Thursday, February 10, 2011

Natural (and organic) Pest Control -- Pepper Spray For Your Garden.

This year, my husband and I rented a plot in our community garden. It was a seal of a deal at $15/year so we went for it. This garden is particularly strict about it's organic-ness and so we had to get creative about dealing with bugs and rodents. One thing we tried was a basic pepper spray and it worked wonderfully.
Here's how you do it:

(Left: habaƱero chile.  Right: "worlds hottest" or so it claims.)
(1) Get some hot peppers of your choice--and when I say hot, I mean HOT. You can find these at the grocery store.
**Using gloves to handle these is recommended. You do not want to learn that the hard way, trust me.

(2) Blend the living daylights out of them. I put about a cup of water in the blender along with both of these peppers. I've had people tell me they add garlic to make it that much more offensive to the little buggars.
WARNING: This is VERY potent. I coughed like crazy just from opening the blender after I pureed these. You might want to try doing it outdoors.

(3) Strain it to remove any solid pieces and pour into the spray bottle.

(4) Coat all surfaces of the plant with the spray during a time when the sun is not out--the sun shining on the droplets of water can burn spots on the leaves. I usually spray the garden around sunset.

My plants never reacted badly to the spray. I was able to spray them down every 3 days and it didn't phase them. I doubt it would need to be done that often, but I always try to do it the day after a rainstorm.

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